Apart from the craters, ancient volcanoes and lava of the planet Mercury, the environment was detected

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Apart from the craters, ancient volcanoes and lava of the planet Mercury, the environment was detected

The good news of the planets and constellations of distant space is no longer difficult. We can take the news of the moon stars millions of kilometers away from the earth. Now we have got the news of such a planet, which is the closest planet to our Sun and it is not easy to see it. This is the planet Mercury. Well, our scientists have been successful in conveying the news to us. Europe and Japan Space Agency have done a great job by gathering information about the geographical structure of Mercury. This is an important achievement in the world of astronomy. Which has been achieved through BepiColombo spacecraft. This mission has brought us interesting information about Mercury’s surface craters, ancient volcanic peaks, environment and lava flows. Two days ago, the spacecraft BepiColombo reached very close to the planet Mercury and reached the end of the work for which it was sent. This vehicle made available many pictures of the Earth of Mercury. Which has been released today by the European Space Agency. The biggest success in these pictures is a huge crater present in the Earth of Mercury. Which scientists have named Edna Manley. Scientists are considering the picture of this pit as an important success. David Rothery, Professor of Planetary Geosciences at the UK Open University and member of BepiColombo Science Imaging, says that during our image planning for the flyby of the spacecraft, we realized that this large crater would be visible, but it did not yet have a name. This will clearly be of interest to BepiColombo scientists in the future, as it has excavated dark-colored low-reflectivity material that may be the remains of Mercury’s early carbon-rich crust. In addition, the basin floor in Mercury’s interior is filled with smooth lava, indicating Mercury’s long history of volcanic activity. As per the plan, BepiColombo flew 236 kilometers above the sky of Mercury. The purpose of flying so close was to measure the atmosphere of this planet and gather information about its scorched surface. Whose picture was found. Further study can be done through these photographs. Due to which many secrets inside the earth of Mercury will be known.
BepiColombo was launched in 2018. It is a joint mission between Europe and Japan. BepiColombo is reaching the final leg of its seven-year journey through the inner Solar System. During this journey, BepiColombo will be sent from the orbit of the Sun to the orbit of Mercury in late 2025. To reach the orbit of Mercury, the cooperation of the gravity of Earth, Venus and Mercury will be taken.
Source and photo: space.com

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