Another important discovery on Mars NASA’s

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Another important discovery on Mars

NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has made an important discovery on Mars. Earth’s icy region Antarctica-like drains have been detected on Mars. These drains are made due to melting of ice on Mars. NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter made this discovery. Scientists from Brown University have revealed this secret. There is no doubt that there are many similarities between the Earth and the red planet Mars. In the discoveries made so far, scientists have been successful in gathering a lot of information about the atmosphere, surface and geological structure of Mars and every revelation matches the composition of the Earth. This is the reason that the intentions of astronomers have become stronger regarding the establishment of life on Mars. Now getting drains like Antarctica is a big deal. Actually, Antarctica is an icy area on the earth and due to melting of ice in this icy area, drains are formed. This discovery also confirms that there must have been a large amount of ice on Mars at some point and the melting of the ice also led to the formation of drains. Drains made on Mars have been photographed through the Highrise camera mounted on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. This region on Mars is a large crater formed in Terra Sirenum. In which drains are visible. This discovery has been published in the latest issue of the journal Science. Researchers say that the ice melting events would have happened about 6 lakh years ago. Then the temperature of Mars would have been about 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

Mars became a desert after water disappeared 3 billion years ago

Brown University scientist Jim Head says that through many researches, we know that early in the history of Mars, there was water flowing on the surface with valley networks and lakes. About three billion years ago all liquid water disappeared and Mars became an ultra-arid or polar desert. Recent research suggests that the axis of Mars tilts up to 35 degrees. It is clear from this that it becomes easier for the ice to melt as the temperature increases along the slope.
Source and photo: Earth Sky

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