Another big enemy of the Earth coming closer

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Large asteroid coming close to Earth

It is their destiny for the asteroid to come close to the Earth, pass by and sometimes collide. But the asteroid, coming on November 1, is a bit bigger. Due to which the eyes of the observatories have been focused on this asteroid. This asteroid came in the range of the PanSTARRS 2 telescope in Hawaii on 12 September 2022. When it was examined from every angle, it was found that it is almost as big as the asteroid Dimorphos, which was targeted by DART last month. Regarding its identity, scientists have named it 2022 RM4. Also, scientists have put it in the list of dangerous asteroid, which can prove to be dangerous for Earth in future. However, on November 1, it is going to reach close to the Earth.

A glimpse can be seen of this asteroid

When it reaches near the Earth, it can be seen only a glimpse of it. It is going to reach about 24 lakh kilometers near us. So there is no chance of it colliding. But a telescope will be needed to see it. He is going to pass by us on November 1. The Steward Observatory of the University of Arizona has confirmed this asteroid. Also, the Minor Planet Center has listed it as a potentially dangerous asteroid. There is no danger to the earth from this.

Pan Stars 2 telescope located in Hawaii, discovered on 12 September 2022

The recently discovered asteroid measures 740 meters in size, which is roughly the same size as Didymos. The Dart mission changed direction of Dimorphos last month, on 26 September. This mission of NASA was the first of its kind, the historic mission to protect the planet. In this context, Dr. Shashibhushan Pandey, senior scientist of Aryabhatta Observational Science Research Institute of India says that we have learned the way to deal with these dangers of the earth. The DART mission is a direct example of this before us. In future we will be able to face these threats.

You can see it with binoculars only.

The asteroid’s brightness will increase in early October and reach about 14.3 magnitude on November 1. At the moment it is very pale and not clearly visible. It can be seen through binoculars. More information can be gathered about it when it reaches close to Earth on November 1. Because of which scientists are keeping an eye on it.

No longer a threat from Apophis minor planet

Apophis was one such minor planet, which was being said to be a major threat to Earth at the beginning of this century. It is about half a kilometer and in 2929 it was feared to hit the Earth. This apprehension had drawn lines of concern in the foreheads of the scientists. Scientists kept monitoring it continuously and kept on doing maths where it would fall and how much damage it could do. Also kept on calculating the time of collision. After a thorough study, it was said that it would collide in 2036. But this calculation also proved to be wrong and in the end the scientists declared that there is no danger from it now. It will pass closer to the earth.

Source – EarthSky

Photo – NASA


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