Alien asteroid belt in captivity of the web

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Alien asteroid belt in captivity of the web

Scientists estimate that many planets may be hidden in this belt. The James Webb Space Telescope has captured a picture of the alien asteroid belt in deep space. The secrets of this belt will be revealed through this picture. This belt is present around the star named Fomalhot.

Dusty debris belt around the young star Fomalhaut
The path to the universe is not easy. But NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is trying to fathom it. This space telescope has captured the dusty debris disk around the young star Fomalhaut using a mid-infrared instrument. A similar belt is also present in our solar system, which is present between Jupiter and Mars.

This belt is spread over 23 billion km

This belt of dusty debris from Fomalhaut extends over an area of 23 billion km. The first asteroid belt discovered outside our solar system appears to be more complex than expected, scientists say. This belt is located at a distance of about 25 light-years from Earth. NASA saw it for the first time in 1983 through an infrared astronomical satellite. This belt remained a mystery because its picture was not found then.

and there are two inner belts

Photographs of James have revealed the presence of two inner belts on its inner side. Scientists estimate that some planets may also be hidden within this belt. Which will be known soon. Scientist Andreas Gaspar of the University of Arizona is engaged in its study with his team.

This telescope is more effective than expected

Dr. Shashibhushan Pandey, senior astronomer at Aryabhatta Observational Science Research Institute, ARIES, says that the James Webb Space Telescope is proving to be more effective than expected. A joint project of many other space agencies including NASA has made this state-of-the-art telescope. It is established in the universe at an altitude of 1.5 million km from the earth. Since its inception, till now it has given many miraculous results.
Source: Earth Sky.
Photo: JWST.

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