After NASA and ESA on 2 September India will become the third country in the world: Solar Mission Aditya L1

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After NASA and ESA on 2 September

India will become the third country in the world: Solar Mission Aditya L1

ISRO is going to launch *Aditya-L1* with PSLV rocket from Sriharikota on Saturday 2nd September. Aditya-L1 is *India’s first solar mission* to space. With the launch, India will become the third country in the world.

The purpose of this mission is to study the Sun. Along with the light and energy received from the Sun, there are many dynamic changes and explosive events on the Sun, for whose detailed information the Aditya-L1 mission will provide important data.

The destination of Aditya-L1 mission is *Lagrange 1 point* which is located at a distance of about 15 lakh kilometers from the Earth. Aditya-L1 will take about four months to reach there. This distance is about 4 times the average distance of the Moon from the Earth. Sun can be observed round the clock from this place.

There are *seven instruments* on Aditya-L1 which have been made in various research institutes of India. This instrument will observe the Sun in more than one type of light such as visible light, ultraviolet rays and X-rays. Along with this, Aditya-L will also measure the magnetic field and particles near L1. With these observations, Aditya-L1 will provide important data to study the Sun’s atmosphere and *solar flares, solar storms* occurring on the Sun. These events can have adverse effects on satellites launched by humans, astronauts, and many technologies of our modern society. This is called ‘solar season’. From the data received from Aditya L1, we will get information about solar weather so that the harmful effects in the space around the Earth can be better understood.

, which is an autonomous research institute under *Department of Science and Technology, Government of India*. This support cell conducts workshops at many locations across India.

Source: ARIES

Photo: ISRO


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