99 percent of the world’s population will be in daylight on July 8

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99 percent of the world’s population will be in daylight on July 8

This interesting truth has come to the fore only today that one such day comes in a year, when 99 percent of the world’s population gets sunlight simultaneously. This day falls on July 8 every year. Recently scientists have gathered this amazing.
According to Indian time, this time will be at 4:30 in the evening.
This is unique information, which was revealed last year, but it has been confirmed now. Earlier this discovery seemed unbelievable to the scientists. But the site Time and Date.com, which calculates the time of the world regarding its veracity, had confirmed it last year after coming to know of this truth, but the clouds of doubt could not be removed. Because of which research started on this. On the basis of the population of the whole world, the information of sunrise and sunset was collected at the field level. Day and night data and population data were collected from the Center for International Earth Science Information Network, Columbia University, New York. Only then it came to know that in reality there comes a time in the world when even if there is light in one part only for a moment, that detailed information was gathered and every year on July 8, 99 percent of the world’s population Part remains in daylight. This time is 11 am according to UTC and 4:30 pm according to ITC Indian time. Most populated areas are on Earth’s day side or in one of the twilight zones. These populated areas include parts of Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, and Antarctica.

Till now this truth was beyond the eyes of the common man.

This is an interesting information. It is also important from the point of view of science, but one should not be ignorant of this truth. As we know from the geographical point of view that when and where is the longest day of the year and when is the shortest night. Along with this, we also keep accurate information about the time of day and night being equal. Now getting the information about the light according to the population is a big thing.
Source and photo: Earth Sky

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