80 cm tilted eastern edge of the earth

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80 cm tilted eastern edge of the earth

Nothing is constant in the universe as we know it. Our earth is also not untouched by this. Changes keep coming in this too. But now the change that has come in it is very worrying. The reason for this is the large scale ground water extraction. Because of which the eastern side of the earth has tilted 80 cm. This change that has come in a span of almost two decades is astonishing.
The American Geophysical Union (AGU) made this surprising announcement on June 15. Told that the 8 billion population of the earth has pumped so much ground water that it has turned the world’s spin. Withdrawal of groundwater for agriculture, mining and domestic use has resulted in little change in the mass of the earth. But this change is serious, which cannot be ignored at all. The massive withdrawal of water from inside the earth has tilted the earth about 31.5 inches i.e. 80 cm towards the east. This drainage has happened only between 1993 and 2010. The researchers published the study in the June 15 issue of the peer-reviewed journal Geophysical Research Letters. In research on groundwater pumping and Earth’s spin, 2,150 gigatons of groundwater have been pumped between 1993 and 2010. This groundwater depletion would lead to a sea level rise of more than 0.24 inches (6 mm). On this basis, scientists saw the rotational pole of the earth. The rotational pole is the axis around which the Earth rotates. The distribution and weight of the water can affect that rotation.
The lead author from Seoul National University says that Earth’s rotation pole may actually change a lot. Our study shows that the redistribution of groundwater from climate-related causes actually exerts the largest influence on the rotational pole drift. Scientists first in 2016 due to water
The Earth’s rotation was detected to be changing.
Is. The researchers looked at ice sheets and glaciers to explain the observed changes in the drift of Earth’s rotational pole. Along with this, groundwater redistribution was included. Then this shocking result came to the fore.
According to Dr. Shashibhushan Pandey, senior astronomer of Aryabhatta Observational Science Research Institute, ARIES, there is water in a large part of the earth. In which the part of water inside the earth holds an important place, which contributes to maintaining the stability of the earth. That’s why it is very important to monitor the tilt and speed of the earth.
Source and photo: NASA

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