Mars and Earth’s oceans taste the same

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Mars and Earth’s oceans taste the same

Regarding the possibilities of life, there is no other land more suitable than the land of red planet Mars and now what has been found on the land of Mars is even more pleasing news. Now it has been found in the new discovery that the seas there used to be full of salt water. This discovery has led to the belief that Mars may have once had human-like life. Along with this, the possibility of settling life on the land of Mars has increased.

Earth and Mars are similar in many ways

Actually Mars is similar to Earth in many ways. Due to which Mars has been the center of scientists whether it is a matter of settling life on another planet or looking for life. Chinese scientists have discovered salty water on Mars. Researchers believe that many geological conditions, including crusts, cracks, and bannets on sand dunes near the Martian equatorial region of Mars, suggest that there used to be a lot of water on this planet.

The sea was till four and a half years ago

Along with this, it has also come to know that these seas were not of very ancient times but of recent times, which existed till 1.25 lakh to 4 lakh years ago. China’s Zhurong Rover has revealed this. The evidence obtained from the rover was chemically analyzed and tested for the purity of the water, concluding that the sea water on Mars was salty. This discovery is considered to be very important indeed. Because the water of the earth’s sea is also salty. Research scientists have released this research in Science Advances.

Discovery of China’s Mars Zhurong Rover

China’s Mars Zhurong rover landed in May 2021 in an area called Utopia Planitia, just north of the equator of Mars. It took nine months to reach here. The rover collected information on the chemical composition of the region’s dunes and measured cracks found along the sandy surfaces. Scientist Qin and his team were surprised after examining them. Geologist Xiaoguang Qin and other scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing were involved in this study.

Mars sand dunes can provide life

Researcher Scientist Quinn says the Zhurong rover’s findings point to relatively mild ground temperatures, which suggests that Mars’ low-latitude sand dunes could prove helpful for life.

There is competition between China and America

Along with reaching Mars, there is a competition among scientists from all over the world to settle life, but China and America are standing at the forefront of this competition. However, Russia and Europe are also not far behind. But the speed with which America and China are moving forward, it seems that only one of these two countries will conquer Mars.

Source and photo: Earth Sky.

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